Cyber Security Exercise – Operation “Summer Thunder”, June 2023

For two days, between June 14 and 15 this year, within the Cynergy ISAC project, a number of 26 specialists participated in Operation Summer Thunder, the first hands-on Red Team – Blue Team exercise, organized for the Energy sector in Romania.

During the event, the participants were tasked with identifying several attacks against IT and OT networks, which involved the use of several techniques and procedures such as Phishing, Keylogging, AS-REP Roasting, Kerberoasting, Mimikatz and others, using specific investigative tools such as Elastic Search, Autoruns, Olevba, Process Explorer and communicate their results with other teams through a MISP instance.

On the second day of the event, we held a Lessons Learned session where we discussed what went well during the exercise and what we can improve on in future events.