Impact of Cynergy

Cynergy Mission

The mission of Cynergy is to establish a national analysis and information-sharing hub for the energy sector, with aspirations to broaden its reach to South-East Europe. Its members comprise some of the most prominent players in the energy field.

This initiative aims to enhance cybersecurity collaboration among members at both the national and European levels.

This project encompasses the process of analyzing and evaluating the threat landscape, capabilities, and regulatory requirements. Subsequently, a model will be designed where all participants can contribute.

The subsequent phase involves the setup and operationalization of an information-sharing platform, specifically utilizing MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform). This platform is already in use at the EU level.


Task Forces

Threat Information Sharing

Cynergy-ISAC employs the Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) to create a secure environment. Within this framework, pertinent details about cyber incidents, vulnerabilities, attack strategies, and mitigation methods specific to the energy sector are shared with those entrusted with its protection.

Threat Intelligence & Incident Analysis

The increasing number of threats and incidents demonstrate that sectoral cooperation is crucial to building up one’s cyber defence. Cynergy – ISAC aims to help the energy sector to improve its cybersecurity posture and offer guidance for a better response to cyber-attacks.

Trainings & Awareness

Cynergy-ISAC poses extended knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and has the goal to deliver trainings to its members. Also, Cynergy-ISAC has a focus on increasing the awareness within the members by providing them the needed tools to use internally in their organisations.

Guidelines and frameworks

Cynergy-ISAC poses extended knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and has the goal to deliver trainings to its members. Also, Cynergy-ISAC has a focus on increasing the awareness within the members by providing them the needed tools to use internally in their organisations.