Impact of Cynergy
Cynergy Mission
The mission of Cynergy is to establish a national analysis and information-sharing hub for the energy sector, with aspirations to broaden its reach to South-East Europe. Its members comprise some of the most prominent players in the energy field.
This initiative aims to enhance cybersecurity collaboration among members at both the national and European levels.
This project encompasses the process of analyzing and evaluating the threat landscape, capabilities, and regulatory requirements. Subsequently, a model will be designed where all participants can contribute.
The subsequent phase involves the setup and operationalization of an information-sharing platform, specifically utilizing MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform). This platform is already in use at the EU level.
Sectoral analysis in terms of threat landscape, capabilities and regulatory requirements
The analysis has two components:
- State of play: analysis of major players, capabilities, regulations, threat landscape
- Report with findings and recommendations
State of play: analysis of major players, capabilities, regulations, threat landscape
The beneficiary will analyze major players in the energy/electricity starting from the NIS Directive requirements, best practices in this field and other recommendations and regulatory requirements in this field. Having a quite fragmented electricity producers’ market with different sources (hydro, nuclear, thermal, wind, photovoltaic and biomass), each subdomain has its own specificities.
Report with findings and recommendations
The analysis will be materialized in a report that will contain the results and the recommendations on that is to consider when designing ht governance and capabilities model.
Governance model and capabilities
In this activity the Governance model and capabilities model will be drafted as well as the to determine the optimal solutions in terms of type of legal entity, management structure, member statute, members’ responsibilities, financial model, technologies used and services available etc.
Design governance model
To design the governance model reputable international guidelines and good practices: ENISA, MITRE, CISA si X-ISAC. Based on the analysis the governance model will be selected, either being a formal one with a chair and a management board, either by rotation among members or an informal model based on voluntary input.
The legal status can be either non-profit supported by a fee, supported by one of its members, financed through the state budget through DNSC, or just an informal gathering on best effort.
At this point the type of members will be decided and can be: producers, distributors, vendors, research entities or even large consumers. There are other types of members that can join such as: egulators, intelligence agencies, international organizations etc.
The type of information that can be shared: common threats, mitigation strategies, best practices and strategic analyses. Nevertheless not all information types can be shared.
Design and develop the technical solution for information sharing
Besides offering a good place for cooperation and community building, Cynergy will offer the underlying technical infrastructure that can facilitate the exchange of cybersecurity information.
Based on the types of information to be shared, an easy to use solution will be available to members.
Design & Develop Information sharing platform
In order to fulfill it’s purpose, the technical platform has to have the following capabilities:
- Encrypted e-mail service
- Easy to use Secure messaging and collaboration
- Platform for information sharing and other services
- Video conferencing capabilities
Technical design will be build having taken into account the concepts such as: cost reduction, flexibility, ease of use, easy scaling and virtualization.
Deploy technical solution
Technical solution deployment will be according to the design requirements and will be configured to send and receive data.
Secure messaging and collaboration service will be sized to support 30 members for 2 years
Perform tests and assessment
At the end, a series of functionality tests and assessments will be made.
Design, develop and deliver security trainings for members
The objective of this activity is to design and deliver a set of trainings, to possible and actual ISAC’s members.
Develop training programs
A training program will be developed addressing the following topics:
- Basic cybersecurity concepts,
- Good practices in incident handling
- Good practices in information sharing in cybersecurity
- Knowledge transfer about common technical solutions
- Deep dive into the governance and capabilities model of Cynergy
Deliver trainings
There will be two training sessions up to 3 days each for selected personnel from Cynergy members/potential members. Each session will be organizes for approximatively 10 participants.
Design, develop and deliver a full-scale energy cyber exercise
The purpose of this activity is to develop a large-scale cyber exercise for all the major players in the energy sector. The exercise will be developed around all the type of incidents specific to energy sector in which the information sharing and the use of tools delivered by Cynergy ISAC is essential.
This cyber exercise will be contributing to building trust within the community and will facilitate the understanding of actual vs. perceived capabilities in terms of people and technology.
Cooperation and dissemination activities
To promote the project a web site will be published. The website will contain important project information, project status, reports etc.
To increase the promotion level, three 1-2 days conferences will be organized. Each conference will have approximatively 30 participants.
To increase the international cooperation level, Cynergy will participate in a European level ISAC as well in Europeans Comision conferences.
Project management
The activity’s objective is to ensure the good development of by complying to project’s timetable and budget, teams and technical coordination, participation in dissemination activities and successful liaison to Comisia Europeana, HaDEA and other project stakeholders. Project Board will be led by the beneficiary and will have representatives from each of the members.
Task Forces
Threat Information Sharing
Cynergy-ISAC employs the Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) to create a secure environment. Within this framework, pertinent details about cyber incidents, vulnerabilities, attack strategies, and mitigation methods specific to the energy sector are shared with those entrusted with its protection.
Threat Intelligence & Incident Analysis
The increasing number of threats and incidents demonstrate that sectoral cooperation is crucial to building up one’s cyber defence. Cynergy – ISAC aims to help the energy sector to improve its cybersecurity posture and offer guidance for a better response to cyber-attacks.
Trainings & Awareness
Cynergy-ISAC poses extended knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and has the goal to deliver trainings to its members. Also, Cynergy-ISAC has a focus on increasing the awareness within the members by providing them the needed tools to use internally in their organisations.
Guidelines and frameworks
Cynergy-ISAC poses extended knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and has the goal to deliver trainings to its members. Also, Cynergy-ISAC has a focus on increasing the awareness within the members by providing them the needed tools to use internally in their organisations.